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Maglia a manica corte in caldo e traspirante bambù organico, ornata di una graziosa tasca. Dotata di eleganti cucitute a risvoltino sul basso, sulle maniche e sul collo la rende alla moda e perfetta in qualsiasi occasione. I bellissimi e pratici bottoncini in legno sulla spalla permettono di toglierla e metterla con facilità. Il morbido tessuto in fibra di bamboo organico la rende perfetta in tutte le occasioni e garantisce il massimo del comfort del piccolo.

M / c shirt with pocket

  • Washing Instructions: Carefully follow the instructions on the label. Natural bamboo material might shrink up to 3-5% more than cotton. It is therefore advisable to carefully shake the article immediately after washing and before drying. Do not put in the dryer.

    The products of the Bamboom collection are made with organic bamboo and with an Italian / Dutch design, they are wonderfully soft and ideal for baby's sensitive skin. Bamboom is an Italian company with attention to small details and quality. The fabrics and materials used are Oeko-Tex Class 1 certified and are subject to strict quality controls.

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